1. Mix all dressing ingredients together and whisk well.
2. Put boiling water into a bowl. Sprinkle in the cous cous and mix with fork. Stir in the olive oil and dried herbs, cover and leave for 5 minutes until the cous cous has absorbed all the water.
3. Stir with fork to separate the grains then leave to cool.
4. Lightly boil the green beans until tender but still crisp. Drain then refresh under cold running water.
5. Cut the cucumber into thick slices then cut each slice into 4 wedges.
6. Stir the cucumber, flageolet beans, green beans, onions, tomatoes and black olives into the cous cous.
7. Add the dressing and toss gently until well mixed.
8. Season with pepper.
9. Transfer to serving bowl and garnish with egg quarters and anchovies.