Tomato, Pepper & Smoked Paprika Soup
Using Major Mediterranean Mari Base and Major Vegetable Stock Base Powder
10 Covers
Fresh Tomato(1)- quartered
Major Mediterranean Mari Base
Major Vegetable Stock Base Powder
Flat Leaf Parsley- chopped
Fresh Tomato(2)- deseeded and diced
1. Preheat an oven to 180°c
2. Roast the peppers, tomatoes(1) drizzled with the olive oil(1) on a baking tray for 30 mins.
3. Heat the olive oil(2) over a high heat in a large pan. Add the onion, celery, carrot, garlic and smoked paprika. Sauté the veg for 5 minutes.
4. Pour in the water and add the Major Vegetable Stock Base Powder, Major Mediterranean Mari Base and tinned tomatoes.
5. Bring to the boil and then simmer for 30 minutes with the lid on.
6. Blitz the soup until smooth and pass through a sieve.
7. Garnish with the diced tomato(2) and flat leaf parsley.
8. Serve with freshly made crusty bread.